Thursday, September 3, 2015

Do You See What I See ?

I don’t know how many of you are seeing what I see. I see His hand in my life. He is preparing me for so much more. I’m not better than you. But I see it! The eyes of my understanding have been opened and I know that God has made me to see it that I might enter into it. What is “it”? It is a life of “preparation”. Jesus “waited” … learning obedience … at 12 years of age He spoke and all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers but it was not His time so He “yielded” and “submitted” to His parents …. 18 more years passed …. He was tested in all ways.... Thirty years of “preparation” for just over 3 years of “demonstration”. This is our pattern, we can’t skip ahead. It takes time to “learn” obedience. We can’t claim it by faith. We are made to know that it only counts as obedience if it is instant! The word of God that is released in my life is most assuredly “encouraging” but that is where most people “stop” …. Never willing to “give” or “receive” a “quick and powerful” word that instantly divides the soul from the Spirit. I thank God for everyone He placed in my life that spoke the “whole council of God”… “Unfiltered” by our modern “tradition” to only be “encouraging”…. this voids the word of God in our lives and leaves us as “spiritual babies” as we are pacified by a spirit of “religious correctness”. Only a few will receive and give a pure word because the “cost” is great as this word is “Sharp” and is a “discerner” of the thoughts and intents of the heart…” Only this word liberates us...