Friday, January 11, 2013
You shall know the Truth...
So now when we are teaching, when Truth
comes, it sometimes DISTURBS
us. Well, He told me this. He said, "Whenever I bring a fresh impact of
to you, it will NEVER disturb Truth
which I have ALREADY
lodged in your heart.
Truth which has ALREADY been established in
and you know its power and you're walking
under its power; a new impact of Truth will never
disturb THAT. But the impact of Truth WILL DISTURB religious habits, traditions, all sorts of things which
never "ring true," to the Truth, but have built themselves up with us, the same as
TARES grow along with the WHEAT.
And you very seldom are able to DISTINGUISH them. The TARES are EXACTLY like the
WHEAT, even until it comes up to a place where the head is formed, and the little kernels,
before you can really detect it. And that's like "funny, strange," TRADITIONS which sometimes are purely RELIGIOUS, and
sometimes are "smatterings" of Truth. Now, that will
grow right up along with Truth, until God sees it's a
good time to have that thing "thrashed" out. Taken care of. Because it will only be an IMPEDIMENT, a DISTURBING thing,
a HINDERING thing, as God
your TRUTH to its MATURITY. And sometimes it grows a
long time and the disciples, you remember, "Oh, let us go in and take the tares out, and we'll have a nice field of wheat!" "No," Jesus
said, "You can't do it that way." They have to
seemingly GROW for a certain period, and even THEN, even then, the only
safe way to disturb or take care of them would be the "angels of heaven," that is, SPIRITUAL MINISTRIES. Messengers of God. Well, when I
that, I said, "All right Lord."