Friday, January 18, 2013
Come forth...
Just as God was manifested in Jesus Christ who came forth from the womb of the Virgin Mary. . now in the
end of the Age God has a Body of people, the Temple people which are now in the womb of the true Church,
the Virgin Bride or the Holy City, Jerusalem. This Body of Christ, the Overcomer, shall come forth in mighty
power to manifest the fullness of Christ in the earth. They are known as the Manifested Sons of God, and this
place they occupy is the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. But before they are manifested or revealed to the
world, God shall have a group known as the Elijah-Moses Ministry, a prophetic ministry sent forth with mighty
power and the spirit of judgment to restore all things. And as one man, a prophet, goes before one man, the
Christ, just so a group of called out saints with a prophetic ministry goes before and introduces the Manifested
Sons of God, the Christ ministry.