
Friday, April 27, 2012

Growing Season

Salvation is a free gift, but spiritual maturity must be earned.  Jesus compared our “divine nature” to a seed that is sown into fertile soil.

“But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hears the word, and understands it; which also bears fruit, and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”  Matthew 13:23

Just as we have this “treasure” of His “divine nature” hidden within our earthen vessel, golden corn is hidden within a covering.  As we, corn also has a tassel (hair) on top.  There is a distinct gradation in ears of corn.  Not all ears of corn (nor we) come to the same level of growth, or maturity.

As this farmer waited for the rain to stop, while in a small shed at the edge of a large field of corn, the Lord made known to him that our spiritual growth as a Christian follows the same progressive development as corn, with comparable results.

Behold, a sower went forth to sow.”  Matthew 13:3

The intention of the sower is for the seed that has been sown to come to full maturity so there will be an abundant harvest.  The condition of the soil (our environment) has much to do with the harvest.

Some of these seeds fell by the wayside and birds ate them.  Some fell in stony places and were unable to take root.  Others fell amongst thorns and were choked out.  However, the seed that fell into fertile soil produced a harvest that was either thirty, sixty, or a hundredfold.

So also, as being a spiritual baby, the Lord “sows” His divine nature within us, intending it to develop to full maturity.  He uses this parable to teach us that our “inner attitudes and desires” (good soil), along with the “things” that we permit in our life experience (wayside, stony places, thorns), greatly affect our rate of spiritual growth.

If the tomatoes in our garden are still green when the first frost comes, they can be picked and placed on a window sill where the sun can shine on them.  They will gradually ripen and turn bright red.  However, if some thirtyfold corn that has not fully matured is placed on the same window sill, it will become dry and hard, and remain as it was.  The thirtyfold corn will not become sixty, or a hundredfold corn.  So it is in the life of a Christian.

Spiritually speaking, we are not tomatoes.  Rather, we are as these ears of corn.  Our spiritual development must take place while our “roots” are in the ground of our present environment.

Many have the mistaken idea that they will be changed on the way up.  They imagine that they will depart from this earth realm as a babe in Christ and arrive in heaven as a matured saint.  However, once our life has been lifted from the soil of His dealings, no further maturing is possible, as it is too late.  Like the ear of corn, no further change will take place.

There is a limited time for this process of our coming into spiritual maturity to be completed.  Just as the ear of corn must come to maturity during the growing season while it is attached to the root that is within the soil, so also, during our lifetime, there must be a proper response to the workings of the Lord within us.

Jesus qualified for His place in the throne with His Father by overcoming the hindrances that were in His path.

“Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered, and being made perfect, He became the author of eternal salvation to all them that obey Him”  Hebrews 5:8-9

Now He is able to say to us, “You are to overcome in the same way that I overcame.”

In using the terms of their vocation to speak to Simon and Andrew, there was the danger that they would not hear as Jesus intended.  He did not say to them, “Follow Me so you can learn how to fish for men.”  Rather Jesus spoke to them of a process that would qualify them for this higher vocation, “Come you after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men” (Mark 1:17).

Notice that Jesus did not say “Go.”  Rather, He said “Come.”  The “call” is to first come to Him.  We must “come” (our attitude and desire) to the “place” (good ground) where He will be able to bring about the changes within us that will qualify us to fish for men, rather than fishing for fish.

The seed that fell into “wayside soil” missed the furrow in which He works.  The “good ground” is where the divine plow turns the soil.  This plow overturns our ways and exposes all that hinders our spiritual growth.  Unless we are careful, we will step aside when we see this plow coming our way.

The problem with the “divine plow” going down the furrow of our life experience is that it turns every thing upside down.  This enables the Lord to get at the inner problems that are buried deep within us.  Now, He is able to change us at the very root of our being.   If we will rightly respond and cooperate, that which grows into full maturity will bring forth an abundant harvest; thirty, sixty, or a hundredfold.