
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our Path

Our “present attainment” of spiritual life and experience is the place to which we have been brought through Jesus Christ our Lord. All this is a preliminary training school for the ages yet to come. It is in the “here and now” that we make certain qualifications for our placement in the eternal ages. These qualifications will not be given to us spontaneously, when we get there. Rather, we are being qualified for them here, during this present time.

Then, in the eternal ages, that which has been acquired through discipline and training - through the surrender of our old life to the resurrection of the new - all of this will be projected upon another (higher) plane of living in the ages that are yet to come. Whatever we build up of spiritual value, vigor, and vision, during our lifetime - this is all that the Lord will take of us into eternity.

The method by which this is being accomplished will be the “way” in which we presently live - our reactions to the Word, and to the movings of the Holy Spirit. These are the mechanics which the Lord uses to trace the image and likeness of His Son upon our immortal spirit.

We who have been touched by eternal truth and are seeking to go further, must have a correct perspective and goal. The Lord is very busy building His Body, of which we are a member, training it and doing a thousand things within and through it, so in “that day” there will be something glorious and beautiful to be presented to our Lord, when we stand in His presence.

The day is coming when we will cast our crowns at His feet. This crown is made up of all that we have become, so that we may be presented to the Ancient of Days as the Bride of Christ.

Each of us has a certain degree of spiritual hunger. This hunger rests on certain levels of spiritual obedience and experience, ever seeking to take us further. Thus, there is a continual, progressive development in our spiritual living, moving us from one place of discovery and life, on into another level of discovery and life, and on to another. This speaks of “the spiritual ascent of our being back to the heart of God.” We do not belong here; we are here for just a few fleeting years of training and discipline, and then we will be taken.

We are to continually move from one level of spiritual understanding and experience to another. This is determined by the amount of spiritual illumination that we have obtained through our responses to the Lord’s presence, and His workings within us. Because we are reacting agents, we learn our lessons through these experiences. We were made this way in the structural law of our being so this might be possible.

I have many very real spiritual experiences in God, however, these do not make me less practical in my daily pattern of life experience. I have discovered that I must carefully order my steps, as I walk with the Lord. I must be continually sensitive to His voice and responsive to His presence. Then He will guide my path, as He disciplines and trains me in order to push me up into a higher order of spiritual reality and life.