
Monday, April 30, 2012

neither male nor female

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free,
there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus."  Galatians 3:28

In the Church, "under the anointing," there is neither male nor female. 
We can all function as we are enabled by the Lord,
totally irrespective of gender. 
Male and female become a type of our relationship to the Lord.
As a "Bride," I am dependent and become "one" with Jesus. 
As a "son," I enter into a cooperative relationship with the Lord. 
I "rise above" the earthly as an "overcomer," and His power -
His very life begins to flow out through my life. 
I am then able to give expression to the life of the Lord,
as my life becomes the witness of His life.
We are approaching the last days,
the time of the closing out of the Church Age
and the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom,
which is the government of God ruling all mankind.
May we all female and male lay aside the old order and
embrace and recognize what the Lord is desiring to do in each of
us as individuals and in His body in these last days.