Jesus gathered the disciples about Him and said I am the
vine, the vine is the source of all life. Of yourself you can do nothing. It is the same pattern that
was established in the Garden of Eden. Adam had access to the Tree of Life (Christ). God told Adam
about the other tree ( knowledge of good and evil ) and that He would die on
the day that He chose it. Adam did not die physically on that day but
spiritually. It took many years for the result of that choice to be experienced
physically. When we are born naturally, we are only conscious of two
realms. Body and Intellect (soul). Sin extinguished the light of the spirit so what remains is psychic,
intellectual and body consciousness. It is only when God lights that candle again that we become
alive spiritually and begin a life long journey back to God. The light that is placed within us (Salvation)
is the life of Gods Son Jesus that is progressively revealed by the Holy Spirit as we yield to Him through the choices that we make.