Tuesday, April 2, 2013
This Body...
This body of people, though made up of a multitude of saints throughout the world
and throughout the ages, yet is seen in the Bible as one Body, spoken of as God's Perfect Man, and the
Overcomer. How this Body comes into existence and what happens to it can be
learned by studying the Pattern, the Lord Jesus Christ. And although there will be unnumbered multitudes of
people saved by the Grace of God through the precious blood of Jesus, and we do thank God for these dear
ones, yet the real purposes of God are tied up in that group of saints who press their way to the mark for the
prize of the High calling of God in Christ Jesus. They are the Hundred-fold of the Harvest, the Principal Wheat,
the Precious fruit of the earth, brought forth by the latter rain. These are virgins who follow the Lamb
withersoever He goeth, who are not defiled with women (harlot churches under man's headship). These are
His Witnesses in the earth whom He has anointed by the Spirit without measure. They are the ones who put
Satan under their feet, and gain back the inheritance lost by Adam, and much more beyond that. They are part
of the Bride of Christ, the Holy City, New Jerusalem, but they are more than just part of the City which is known
as the Temple of the Living God, filled with the glory and presence of God. To be continued.....