
Thursday, February 12, 2015


Scripture tells us that seeking knowledge for its own sake
only leaves us with fat heads (see 1 Cor. 8:1)..
This is not what will renew our minds. But the heart that seeks
to please the Father and treasures the relationship with Him
above all will not only receive revelation that renews the mind,
but will pursue the purpose of that revelation and partner with
God to see His will done.
The main principle behind the process of renewing our
minds is that we become like that which we behold. We are not
renewing our minds to have good thoughts; we are seeking to
see Him as He is so we can become like Him. When we become like
Him, we will do the things He is doing and say what He is saying.
Beholding Jesus is not intellectual; it is spiritual. It does not
inform you; it transforms you. It is not an idea; it is an experience.
It is not something you can have if you only read about it
or study it. We can only behold Jesus by having a living
encounter with Him. It is tragic that many believers understand
that “sharing your testimony” of meeting Jesus merely means
telling the story of how you got saved. Although that is glorious,
our first meeting with Jesus was simply the doorway to a life of
meeting Him, hearing His voice, feeling His love, and becoming
like Him through the working of His indwelling Spirit. We can
have a testimony every day of personally experiencing God’s
supernatural work in and around us.

My prayer for you is that you will have as many testimonies of

God’s power and work in your life as May Habakkuk’s prayer
be birthed in your heart:
“Lord, I have heard of Your fame; I stand in awe of Your deeds,
O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known…”
(Hab. 3:2, NIV).