
Friday, February 6, 2015

Behind the Veil, The Most Holy Place

You are expecting to hear the voice of the Father from
within the veil. Your heart is open and your ear is tuned to
Him who has much to say to mankind. You will not be
satisfied merely to look on as He beckons a nation of
priests to enter the veil.
And He is beckoning. He is calling a priesthood to
Himself, a priesthood in which you can participate. Far
beyond the voice of the prophet, deep in the heart of God,
is His desire for you to be like Jesus. By your lifestyle,
your voice and your ministry, you point to the Lord Jesus,
seated with the Father within the veil.
Beyond the clamor and bustle of today’s prophecy rises
the crescendo of the sound of a trumpet, as part of an
orchestra tuning before a great concert. You are part of this
priesthood. You are in key and tuned to Him. Together
with His Church, you are producing a new sound in the
earth. This is not like the old sound. It is brand new, and it
calls you to put an end to your busyness, to your many
activities, and to listen to the voice of the Lord. Only then
will your activities become His activities, producing gold
and silver rather than the wood, hay and stubble of a
stubborn church system interested in building only her own
You are expecting to hear from the Lord. You are
expecting to hear the secrets of the Most Holy Place,
because they are for those who fear Him. He will show
them His covenant. His secret is not for the proud or the
self-assured. It is not for show or for profit; it is for Him
and Him alone. It is through Him and Him alone. It is in
Him and Him alone. And His invitation is extended to you.
Allow yourself to respond to this invitation and discover
its wonderful depths.
But there is a new sound in the earth. Slow down. No,
stop! Listen! As a breeze lightly brushes a meadow in
autumn, ushering in a distinct change in the weather, so the
Spirit of the Lord is brushing the Church. He is gaining her
attention, gaining your attention. Quietly does He convince
her, convince you, deep within, that a distinct change is at
Don’t be misled by the lightness of the breeze, for its
gentleness is deceptive; it ushers in the greatest spiritual
upheaval of all time. The prophetic weather vane has
turned. The Holy Spirit is blowing into the Holiest Place of
all, ever drawing His people in, ever drawing you to a
Place where there is no duality, no distraction, no
competition. But there, within the veil, is He alone, ever
calling you, “Come up hither.”
You are beginning a journey, one that you have never
traveled before. It is without question the most thrilling,
yet most dangerous pilgrimage of all, for it will surely cost
you your life as you know it. Standing at the torn veil,
your heart burning for Him, peering into the age to come,
you realize that you are on the threshold of His Day.
The baggage of religious trappings must be dropped at
the rent veil, for as you enter, you enter alone: You may
bring no credentials, no titles, no gifts. Only His Light
covers your nakedness and His Presence gives you strength.
For this is His Domain, this is His Territory. Man
participates in this realm only in response to a God who
needs not his counsel, his strength or his wit. He can do it
all on His own. He chooses to work through you only
because He loves you so totally.
The Wind of the Spirit turns your heart toward God’s
eternal purposes, revealing that we are between two days.
The imperfect is giving way to the perfect; the child is
giving way to the man; the partial is giving way to fullness;
dimness is giving way to unapproachable light as His glory
shines in the face of Jesus Christ. You are about to know as
you are known. Faith and hope, attributes of future
anticipation, are giving way to love, the present fulfillment
of yesterday’s dream and tomorrow’s hope. Today is the
day of salvation, the unveiling of the New Covenant in all
its fullness.
The Holy Spirit continues to stir. You begin to discover
your ministry within the veil and His permanent station on
the Mercy Seat, from which you are invited to rule and
reign with Him. As He comes again, He returns not as a
sin-bearer, but as He who reveals and administrates the
fullness of the New Covenant to hungry and expectant
Finally, but most preciously, the Spirit lays open your
heart and you hear the rapturous word of the Lord: “When
we see Him, we will be like Him, for we shall see Him as
He is.” Salvation is beginning to manifest; you are about to
see Jesus as never before. In all His holiness, all His
convincing splendor, you will see Him. In the twinkling of
an eye, when you see Him, you are changed, you are like
Him. For the King, whom you serve, is suddenly coming to
His Temple.
This is one time man cannot fake an experience with
God. This One proceeds from His throne, flowing, gushing
forth from the Most Holy Place like a mighty river. It is
neither man initiated nor man-completed. This does not
smell of the sweat of humanity because man has no part but
to be there and let God be God, literally, totally and
without reservation.
The sound of your shouts, rebukes and demonizing
warfare quiet as you move within the veil. There, all man’s
spiritual battles are consumed by the awesome reality of
His final victory. As you take your seat with Jesus, you are
stunned at the revelation of the defeated enemy. Instead of
the shout of war, there is the shout of a conqueror, the
shout of worship and a song of intimacy welling up in your
heart. Who can but praise the Lord? Who can but
acknowledge His might?
You are expecting to hear from the Lord. His promise is
firm. He fulfills it without a hint of regret. Rather, to bring
it about is the joy of His heart. All who hear, all who
respond, will be seated with Him within the veil. I know
you will and the fulfillment of your heart’s desire. I know
you are one of these people.
Your heart gives you away.