
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Day of The Lord

 It certainly appears to me that we are close to the Day of the Lord. A 'Day' that is described in scripture as a time of gross darkness in the world about us...yet holds forth the promise of a glorious Light that will shine upon His people. The prophets spoke much of this "Great" yet "Terrible" Day - when great darkness shall engulf the earth, while His people walk in the Light of the Lord Jesus. God wants us to "walk in the Light" now lest we presumptuously think all is well because we have good doctrine, and attend a good church. We must have true faith, lest in our presumption we find that Day to be one of darkness... and we "stumble on the dark mountains", and look for the light that is not there. No matter how dark the night may be surrounding us, "the children of the Light" will walk in the Light of God. When gross darkness covered the whole land of Egypt...there was "Light" in the homes of the people of God.

      As God's wrath is poured out on a world of iniquity, God has made every provision for the children of Light - and that provision is nothing less than the "whole Armor of God". (Eph. 6), described in Romans as "the Armor of Light" (Rom.13:12). The climatic battle of the ages is closing in upon us, and God will have a Gideon army whose only weapons were - a trumpet and a pitcher...with a lamp inside the pitcher. Right now they seem to be doing nothing for God--as they sit in the darkness on the hillside. But in that Day they will break their pitchers and hold their lamps high; and with trumpet blast (a sure, clear voice from God) they will declare their victory- with no other weapons than the Armor of God. Gideon's army shouted aloud, "The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon...!" -- and panic and fear griped the hearts of the enemy until they fled in terror. There were many volunteers in Gideon's army at first...32,000 of them... But God sent most of them home, choosing to use only 300, whom He knew would give Him all the glory.