
Monday, August 12, 2013

A Word From The Lord


Oh, taste and see that the Lord is Good.

His mercy endures forever.

The Lord says, "I'll never leave you or forsake you.

In all your ways acknowledge me and I will encompass you and I will hold you up in my arms.
For I have called you for This Day.
I know the plans of blessing that I have for you and I will bring it to pass. My arm is not short.
I will accomplish that which I have purposed in Myself taking council with Myself.
There is none higher than I.
I have come to comfort you This Day, even in a time where desperation might try to hit
you because of the circumstances around you.
I, the Lord, have My hand upon you. I am bearing My Holy arm.
I shall make Myself known to you and through you in This Day in a way that you have not known.
Even when circumstances flood your soul,
I shall arise in the midst of you and raise a standard.
You shall think even as I think about your situations.
You shall begin to know what I think about everything
and know the perspective that I see.
I see it finished.
I see it done and so shall you.
Even though the circumstances around you will cause you
to think that it will never happen.
The Lord says, "I have taken you out of time and placed you in me
where there is no time.

I AM The Alpha and The Omega, The Beginning and The End
I prepare you for the ages to come, not just for this time.
I prepare you to show my manifold wisdom in the ages to come
to principalities and everything that exalts itself against Me.
I shall rise within you and I shall be your God.
Not by your power or might but by My Spirit shall it be done.
By the Spirit that I have recreated in you when I reconnected myself
to you in communion you will know Me.
You were born for such a time as this
that you might show forth the glory that I've given you in this earth.
I send you that you might create a river that flows.
Everywhere that river flows will bring life.
We shall be one.
I am a life giving Spirit that shall flow as rivers of living water.
I AM that I AM hath called you This Day
I will place a living reality in your heart of who I AM.
I don't need the arm of the flesh.
I need willing people that will become bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.
Commune with Me.
I will reveal Myself to you and cause you to stand in this The Day Of The Lord.