
Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Flesh

(Rom 10:4 Moffatt NT) Now Christ is an end to law,
so as to let every believer have righteousness.

(Gal 3:11 Phillips) It is made still plainer that no one is justified
in God's sight by obeying the Law, for: 'The just shall live by faith.'

Within the Body of Christ are different levels of relationship to the Lord. The first level is made up of all those who are satisfied with the “fact” of being saved, but seek to go no further. They are satisfied with the promise of a future heaven, but have stopped short of the full work of the cross to bring them into "spiritual maturity". They accept forgiveness of sins but never submit themselves to the further working of the cross which is a revelation and deliverance from the sin nature. For those the demands of the Law are still in place and if you find yourself in their circle they will attempt to put you under that same law. This believer has not allowed the work of the cross to continue so they set out to serve the Lord with their flesh ; The flesh is all that we have as a result of our natural birth. Even though they are performing many good works and speaking many kind words full of love for all and attempting to obey many scriptural admonitions, the source of their service is betrayed by their words. For the Cross is missing in their life!
(Gal 3:10 Phillips NT) Everyone, however, who is involved in trying to keep the Law's demands falls under a curse, for it is written: 'Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the Law, to do them.'James 2:10 Moffatt NT For whoever obeys the whole of the Law
and only makes a single slip, is guilty of everything.