
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Life or death

There is an unmistakable quality in the words that proceed from the Spirit. They give life! There is also a word that quenches the Spirit, that keeps us bound to an earthly realm and only produces death. We are dispensers of a New covenant. A word that endlessly articulates the failings of the body of Christ by seeing them in the natural light and knowing them according to the flesh will not bring life. His Grace is sufficient! Grace is unmerited favor but it is so much more! It is an indwelling Christ alive within us, imparting His Life giving Spirit. Grace is Christ being made alive to each of us and through each of us by the Holy Spirit as we embrace His cross. Where sin abounds His Grace will much more abound. Lift your vision, Lift up Christ, He will draw us. Abide in Him. He will bring us into fullness, not by power or might but by Spirit filled Christians who are overflowing with a heavenly vision of His Bride and releasing that spiritual vision into this realm where it is not visible to natural eyes. Father God lift us from the bondage of the here and now, Lord forgive us of our unbelief. May we see You in each other with eyes of faith and call forth those things that are not visible in this realm and though they were by Your gift of faith.