
Monday, August 20, 2012


Our biggest hindrance is that we measure Gods heart by our own.
Our heart in one of good and evil (right or wrong ).

Gods heart is one of Grace “For by grace have ye been saved” (Eph 2:8) .
Grace is reserved for those who do not deserve it. There is not the smallest element of merit in it.
Grace is not a gap policy to fill in where our best efforts leave off.
We are either functioning by Grace or by our own strength.
“Now to him that worketh, the reward is not reckoned as of grace, but as of debt” (Rom 4:4).
After we are saved, good works will follow and we will serve God faithfully (Faith with works).
Yet the motive behind such actions is the love of Christ, and the "power" for doing these things
is the Holy Spirit. Good works and faithful service we must have, but they are not for the sake
of earning salvation nor for the sake of keeping salvation.
“The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom 6:23)
God's Grace allows not only for forgiveness of sin but deliverance from sin.
Many believers accept forgiveness but do not expect deliverance from sin.
The defeats are many and the scars run very deep as the war within them
of the "old life" and the "new life" rages on. This condition may exist
for years because of unbelief in the finished work of Christ that is freely available by Grace.
Even though the "new life" resides within, it has found no expression.
That expression is found when we come to "the end" of ourselves.
"...But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound" (Rom 5:20)
Shortly after receiving the "new creation" life we must be cared for properly.
Under an anointed ministry we will receive liberal amounts of the "milk of salvation".
We will come to know who we are in Christ's death and His resurrection.
Our failures will be few and our victory's will be many as this "new creation"
life flows through us by Grace. To be forgiven for sin and delivered from sin is but
the beginning of our spiritual journey. The work for all of us is clear.
To establish all in God's Grace. It is the effortless expression of a sinless life
that we have been freely given.