
Friday, August 24, 2012

Answer the call

“For many are called , but few are chosen .”  Matthew 22:14
Said another way: “Many are called, but few will pay the price in order to be chosen.” 
Being chosen is based on our submission to a process of becoming an "overcomer".
“To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me (Bride) in My Throne,
even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His Throne.”  Revelation 3:21
Within the Body of Christ are two levels of relationship to the Lord. 
One can be saved and not become an overcomer . One cannot be an overcomer without first being saved.
Thus, there is a church within the church. The first level is made up of all those who are satisfied with
the “fact” of being saved, but seek to go no further. These are saved, but view their salvation as being
like “salt” that only flavors, rather than permeates their life style.  They are satisfied with the promise of
a future heaven, but have stopped short of the full work of the cross to bring them into "spiritual maturity".
The second level is made up of those who are being moved upon by the Holy Spirit,
especially at this present time.  They have taken up their cross and have submitted their lives,
and all that pertains to them, to His Kingdom rule. These are a called out “people within a people”
who are being dealt with and have qualified to become His Bride.