Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a New Thing; NOW it shall spring forth; SHALL YE KNOW IT ?
I will even make a way in the wilderness, and RIVERS IN THE DESERT. The
beast of the field shall honor me, the dragons and the owls: because I GIVE WATERS IN
THE WILDERNESS, AND RIVERS IN THE DESERT, to give drink to My people, My chosen.
This people have I formed FOR MYSELF; they shall show forth My praise. Isaiah 43:18-21
I was taught that before you were to go out to minister to someone seriously
ill, you had to spend time in prayer and get spiritually built up. One day I was
called upon to pray for a lady dying of cancer, and I didn’t have time to spend
with God in prayer before I went. On my way to the hospital, I said to the Lord,
You know I haven’t had time to pray about this. This is an emergency situation,
The Lord answered me, "I did not call you to be a reservoir. I called you
to be an open channel so that My life could flow out through you".
When I got to the hospital, I felt nothing unusual in my hands. I said, Lord
I am extending my hand as an act of faith that You will heal this woman.
By the time my hand got to the sick woman’s head, the power of God was surging
through it, and that hand was shaking so much that I was nearly embarrassed
by it. God was letting me know that the river was present and that it would do its work.
The woman was instantly healed. She had not been able to get out of bed for many weeks,
but now she got up and walked with me all the way down the corridor to where
I had to get the elevator to go back down.You don’t have to feel “full of glory” all the time.
You can be an empty riverbed. Just let the river of God flow through you.