Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Confession becomes Reality
When we begin at some point in our spiritual walk to confess with our mouth, from our heart that Jesus is our Lord, just then…things begin to happen. At that moment not only do " I have Jesus "(the Church) but "Jesus has me "(the Kingdom). The sovereign hand of God is then released in a greater measure to make that confession a reality. It is only when we have come to the
end of ourselves and are completely undone that the Holy Spirit lifts
us up above the natural order, into the realm of the Spirit
of revelation and understanding and there we receive a present word from
the Lord that will speak to us right where we are and quicken us
and allow us to walk in the purposes of the Lord. The revelation
that God desires to reveal is that which resides within. It’s a righteousness
that is made in Him in us. That which we put upon
ourselves or that which man puts upon us can be taken away but that which
has been deposited within the very righteousness of Christ which is
by faith is what shall sustain us in this hour. Fear not when you are
clothed with this garment. it is a garment of Sonship. We are His
workmanship. A temple not made with hands. That the Glory and the Excellency
might be of Him and not of us. We carry this treasure in an
earthen vessel. As He sits on the throne of our life…then His
Kingdom has come within and His will is done.