Saturday, November 30, 2013
His Lordship
I challenge you today to contend for the Lordship of Jesus Christ in your life.
Because of the work that the Lord desires to do in this hour, He is drawing us to come before Him.
Unto His Lordship, make it total, make it abundantly evident in your life, that there might be a revelation of His Life.
A demonstration of His ways. A marvelous experience of His peace that in the midst of the storm your rest in Him
will be so complete that you rest and rest and feel no alarm. For surly the storm is approaching and yet does the door remain open
to find a place of abiding in Him. To walk in the Spirit means to walk in His Lordship. His Lordship leaves no vestige, no remnant of government on our part. Our spoken words are containers. Words birthed of the natural order fall to the ground as soon as they leave our mouth. The words the Lord desires us to speak are Spirit and Life. We will Overcome in this hour by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.