Tuesday, September 10, 2013
The Threshold
have crossed the threshold of the “Day of the
Lord.” Mighty upheavals are at hand, as it is the close of
the Gentile era. The entire structure of man-made governments,
businesses, and religions, are ready for judgment by Almighty God Himself. The
God of Heaven is setting up His Kingdom, an unending and indestructible
order. Its princes and rulers are prophetic overcomers. They are
presently, like Moses, in the backside of the desert; or like Joseph, in
prison; or like David, in the wilderness; or like Daniel, in heathen dissolute
courts; or like Paul, in Arabia. They are living stones that are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. These
are hidden in the “School of Christ,”
presently being tested and tried, and by fire, purified. They will come
forth at the appointed time as sanctified vessels, prepared for the Master’s