
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Heart of God

The heart of God is reaching out for a people who are “willing” in the day of His power, who, as “intercessors” will birth the purpose of the Lord into the earth in this day. We each live under varying degrees of continual pressure. The longer you walk with The Lord the harder it is to hear from Him. There is an ever present longing within for “more”. The Lord always moves through this hunger to accomplish His purpose. It drives us to a deeper level of faithfulness and obedience. This causes our roots to go very deep to a “secret place” of provision that is not visible to the natural eye. Those who respond to this “inner need” may seem to be somewhat crazy to their fellow believers who are less than fully committed to this process, but “real” overcomers are crazy people. They are strangers to this world. They have truly found the “pearl of great price” and nothing in this world compares. We make ourselves available, at the expense of our own comfort in the natural to function as an “intercessor”. If you hear what I hear then pray this prayer, “Lord, I desire to become an intercessor. I make myself available for this purpose so that at any time or in any way You may desire lift me Lord above the pull of the earthly into the longings of Your heart.” The Lord will respond to this prayer. There will be a progression in your developing this ability to travail. You will not come into this overnight, but there will be a “lifting” into ever higher levels of intercession.