
Sunday, September 6, 2015

One Purpose

God has but one purpose ….that within this earth … this “garden of circumstance” will be produced under intense pressure a companion for His Son. A Bride, the Lamb's Wife. This Overcoming Bride who has taken on the identity of the Bridegroom both in name and nature is to share the throne with her divine Lover and Husband, our Lord Jesus. Christ and His Church are heirs together of the grace of life and are called to administrate the unending increase of His Kingdom as His life fills the earth. The Bridegroom's companion must be trained, educated, prepared and made ready for her place as a companion for all eternity. This Bride must learn the art of spiritual warfare, receiving the necessary training in overcoming the forces hostile to God. She must follow the footsteps of her Husband's life and ministry which is to actively destroy the works of the devil because The Spirit of the Lord is upon her and He has anointed her to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent her to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free...