
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

See Him Enthroned

There are so many ideas about the Lords return and exactly how it will take place. Each one of us have a sense of it but they all vary to some degree. But no matter how we think or what we feel about the end time events and the Lords return, when the Lord does it, He will do it His way. So the important thing is not that we have it figured out but that we are ready. I am convinced that whatever God does to advance His purposes on the earth is birthed out of worship. Many have their eyes on world events and offer outer court prophesies and words birthed out of natural light in an attempt to stir the souls of the Saints to become active..politically…socially….morally but the battle is Not there. It is only as we see Him enthroned that His presence is released in our lives. Its that Spirit that frees us from sin and death. That is the Gospel we are to proclaim to the world. Not one of power and might but one that is accomplished by the Spirit of The Lord. It is only as we see Him enthroned that His purpose is released in our lives. When we see Him enthroned all human effort ceases and we enter into His rest and our life is hid in Christ and with hearts full of worship we ascend and occupy our place in the heavens far above all principalities, powers and spiritual darkness. That is the place of all authority that we come to with boldness. As the pattern Son sits beside the Father and makes intercession for us we receive that burden within our hearts to see His Kingdom come and His will be done in earth as it is in heaven.