
Friday, February 27, 2015

The enemy of Our Faith

Our greatest threat is not Islam, politicians, or Hollywood. Our greatest threat comes from those among us who either dumb down the Christian experience by eliminating the supernatural reality of the living Christ of God, or offer solutions that do not recognize the power of Him who overcame death.
            If there is one thing we do not need more of are the best ideas of the natural man (carnal believer) for overcoming the enemy of our souls. The religious world is full of the wisdom of man and the doctrines of demons. Under the guise of theological insight, we have been bombarded with stuff that is meant to help humanity understand and overcome evil. In reality, it has had little effect on the believer’s ability to lead a solid and fruitful life.
            What is needed is a Biblical appreciation of the enemy’s goals, a grasp of his determination, and a picture of his tactics and devices. This must culminate in a clear presentation of his defeat and what that defeat means, in practical terms, to those who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In and through Christ we must declare his status as a defeated enemy. Without this knowledge, you will never recognize the enemy’s trickery, let alone overcome it. He is the father of lies that often come wrapped in truth.
           We must discern the spirits. We must take the time to learn God’s Word and discover the sense and awareness of the Spirit of the Lord. Becoming sensitive to God is our foundation and the most powerful way to begin to stand for all Jesus sealed for us when He rose from the dead. The trickery of the enemy is subtle to the natural mind, but appears as darkness to the spiritually minded. Remember, the enemy is defeated, so his power lies in deception, he knows us well, as we discover in the Book of Job. The enemy sees, hears, understands, and follows the work of the Lord in our hearts. This is his advantage over those who live by the letter of the Word (Religion) rather than by the Spirit of the Lord quickening the written Word. If he can see what is going on in the spirit realm and we cannot, he has a decided advantage, his trickery will only work on those who are "not" actively practicing The Presence of The Lord and pursuing life in the Holy Spirit. It is there that our minds are renewed, and we are taught to discern the difference between the merely good and the moving s of The Spirit of the Lord. For the written Word, apart from the Spirit of the Lord, is the law that kills. Just as the Scripture tells us, we are “…able ministers of a new agreement, which is spiritual, not literal. The letter of the law kills, but the Spirit gives life” (2 Cor. 3:6).