
Friday, January 23, 2015

Wait upon ME

Wait upon Me
Let your life be as a deep, quiet pool.
Let your heart rest in My hand as a bird within it's nest.
Let your eyes be still. Let your hands be free.
For then I shall fill all your vision,
and then I shall take your hands into Mine
and My power shall flow forth into you.
If you would only make yourself a place apart,
yes, removed from the natural, a garden enclosed,
for it is there I will meet you.
 Yes, I wait at the door for you to open it.
For I long to pour out Myself into your life,
I long to give you My fullness.
Only be still before Me.
Even though there is a famine in the land
I will be your portion
and I will restore the wasted years
and extend your time that you might
come into a season of maturing
and sweet fellowship with Me.
For I know what you need
that you might never thirst again