
Monday, December 15, 2014

Prayer Request for Karen

Dearest Family of God,

     Would you each join with me and lift up Karen in your hearts, prayers and praise.
She is in a battle with cancer. Her heart is very much with her two young daughters during
this intense tune. Would you help me in bringing them all before His throne with thankful and
expectant hearts that they will each have a divine encounter with The Lord. That within each
of their hearts would be birthed something of eternal value.

Heavenly Father,
        We love You Lord. We bring your servant Karen before you this day. Thank You Lord
that you know her by name as one who belongs to You for all eternity. We place her in Your
hands, fully trusting You to work in this sistuation for Your glory. May every one in the family
be touched by Your presence in Spirit, Heart, Soul and Body.
We ask this in the name that is above every name, In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ we pray.