
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

At the Cross

“If you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1:19

The total area of my life which was brought under His sovereign authority when I made Jesus the “Lord” of my life is “the good of the land”. Each day there is a progressive awareness of the commitment that I have made to His Lordship. His sovereignty must extend to every area of my life.  Each day I must confirm His total control over my life and circumstances. This commitment will be tested many times as I am presented with the opportunity to make choices. If I yield my will and make the choice to be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit at that moment of testing then I will be changed, as that "New Creation" life of the Lord is released within me.  I am changed from "glory to glory" from "faith to faith" and from “strength to strength”. The Lord is always present during these testing’s waiting to see how we respond and react to the circumstance that he has placed before us. As we make our choices for the Lord his abiding presence will grow in our lives and manifest itself in ways we never imagined both in the "here and now" and throughout eternity. It is pleasing to The Lord to come to visit the “Garden” of our life circumstance to see how the choices we have made have extended His dominion into new areas of our life. Each choice has a consequence and our failures can be traced to the choices we have made. The Lord will shine His redemptive light into our heart to reveal choices we have made and attitudes in our heart that are not compatible with where He desires to take us. The old wine skins will burst if we don’t allow this ever deepening work of repentance to take place. This division of soul and spirit will reveal the thoughts and intents of our heart and bring us to a place where we are completely undone. We are emptied and filled many times. The capacity to be a channel for His endtime Glory is the new wine skin. He must increase until we are brought to a place of complete dependency on Him. Many are called but few will choose to endure this process and be reduced to this level. There are many seeker friendly gospels being proclaimed that are dripping with sweet words of man’s wisdom. They are easy to spot because the Cross is missing.

Luke 9:23 (KJV)
And he said to them all, If any man will come after me,
let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.