
Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Day of His Power

We are in a time of transition. The birthing of the Kingdom age.
We the body are beginning to move in union with Christ as the head.
In the past the power of the Head was always manifest through
the five fold ministry while the body sat and watched and listened.
But the Head is about to be joined not to the pulpit nor to the five fold
ministry but to the body. The body is being trained and prepared
for the greatest visitation that this world has ever seen.
It will be this manifestation of the power of God moving through
the body of Christ that will lead the world into tribulation 
as the Kingdom of God is being birthed. Our focus has been on things 
that are happening in the earthly realm and the word of The Lord is calling 
us to lift our vision to heavenly places, far above all powers and principalities 
and spiritual darkness for it is from this place that He has prepared for us that we 
will be empowered to function in the establishment of the millennial Kingdom.

"Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter" (Rev 4:1)

The Lord is looking for those who are willing in the day of his power.
The real witness of The Lord in this day is not what we are saying
or what we are doing but what we are becoming as we loose our identity
in Him

The Lord  will always ask us to do that which is beyond our ability
that He might receive the glory.

Judgment has begun at the house of The Lord and it is this;
I judge you to be worthy to be called an Overcomer.
I judge you as being worthy to carry My Glory
I judge you as worthy to be a witness of My Power

Heavenly Father,
   We invite You to prepare us to be filled with Your Glory.
Make us willing to pay any price. Cause us to walk in the Light.
Lord, be it unto us according to Your word. Thank You Lord
for the testimony that You have written on our hearts and Your
shed blood that has made us able to stand in Your presence 
and be changed. Lord may You be glorified in us.
In The Name that is above all names,
In The Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.