Saturday, August 30, 2014
New Creatures
“If you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1:19
This “good of the land,” of which the Lord is speaking, is that total “area” of my life, which was brought under His authority when I relinquished all self-control to Him and made Jesus the “Lord” of my life. There is a progressive awareness of the commitment that I made to His Lordship. His sovereignty must extend to every area of my life. Each day I must confirm His total control over my life and circumstances, both for my good, and for His higher purposes. This commitment will be tested many times as I am presented with the opportunity to make choices. If I yield my will and make the choice to be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit at that moment of testing then I will be changed .... as that "New Creation" life of the Lord is released within me I am changed from "glory to glory" and from "faith to faith". The Lord is always present during these testings waiting to see how we respond and react to the circumstance that he has placed before us. As we make our choices for the Lord his abiding presence will grow in our lives and manifest itself in ways we never imagined both in the "here and now" and throughout eternity.