
Thursday, August 14, 2014

My Prayer Today

Father God,

 I ask You to enlarge my spiritual hunger and capacity. Anoint and guide me as I begin to seek you more fully each day. Release me from every hindrance, that I might begin to move into the spiritual reality that You have waiting for me. I love You Lord, and I trust You with my life. Without qualification, I totally place myself in Your hands that You might work within the fiber of my being the reality of Your life. Create within me the capacity to understand spiritual principles that I might rightly interpret my life circumstance. Lord, I ask that these principles become personalized within me. So that my life will be exchanged with Your life and that everyone you will bring into my life will experience your presence. Only You can make of me the Bride that You desire. I ask that You move in the lives of those who have heard your call and cause them to become this Bride that You so longingly desire. Thank You Lord that each of us will find the satisfaction that we have longed for, and for which we were created.   
