
Wednesday, May 7, 2014


The school of The Spirit is where we are prepared as both a Bride and a Son.
It is a place of a growing awareness of His manifest presence. We are changed
from glory to glory. It is here as we are baptized in fire that we learn to fully 
trust The Lord to bring about His purposes in our lives. It is a place where we
surrender everything to Him and it is also where The Lord takes all the potential
that He has placed within us and causes it to become spiritual reality. 
Truth is never ours until we pay for it. Once our High Priest begins the process
of dividing our soul and spirit then we come to understand the price.
The Lord will draw us to separate ourselves from many distractions and come
apart each day to spend time waiting upon Him. It is a choice each day to enter 
this place of prayer and separation and it is a choice to remain there.
Everyday that you make this choice is a day that will change who you are
for all eternity. 

"From Glory to Glory" "From Faith to Faith" "From Strength to Strength"