
Friday, April 4, 2014

You Belong To Him

As I was seeking The Lord this morning I felt impressed to share what I heard in my spirit

 Even though you may have been through a period of exile where you seemed far from 
the plans and purposes of the Lord, The Word of The Lord for you today is that God
still has a plan for your life. Even at this late hour there is time. Now is the time for 
faithfulness and obedience. Wilderness time is not wasted time. The Lord was with you 
each step watching over you to bring you to this moment in time. A perfect time. A time
that you have come to the end of yourself and are ready to lay down your life and
become an expression of His life. Even though darkness is all around you the Glory
of the Lord shall be upon you. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
The Lord will begin to put your life in divine order. Take no thought for anything.
Keep your eyes on the Lord from where your deliverance comes. Begin each day
with waiting time. Time to receive the Life of The Lord. Not to keep it inside but
to give it away to everyone that The Lord has placed in your life. As you are faithful
to do this, the very Life of The Lord will flow through you spirit, soul and body and
meet all your needs and supply the needs of His Body according to His Glory.