
Monday, March 10, 2014

New Fashion

 As we mature in our walk with The Lord we will grow from independence to dependence. This is opposite the natural order where as we progress toward adulthood we become independent. To enter the Kingdom of God we must become as little children. In the school of the Spirit we have different uniforms that the Lord wants us to put on. One is the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isa 61:3). Everything in the Kingdom is opposite the world. The Lord gives us the garment of praise. The world gives us the spirit of heaviness that weights us down and keeps us from running the race toward the High Calling. Blessed are the poor in spirit. The more we grow in the knowledge of God the more helpless we are. There is an incredible liberty in this heart attitude that the Lord is birthing in us. To become dependent upon Him is to release Him in our life. To trust Him with all that relates to us. To acknowledge Him in all our ways is to demonstrate by word and deed a complete heart reliance upon Him. And wonder of wonders our life comes into divine order. If we allow it the Lord, will take us through a process where He re-clothes us. He will strip away our worldly garments....attitudes….of pride...of independence, of self-reliance and clothe us with dependence, with humility and contriteness! The “New Song” we will sing before the Lord in the book of Revelation is born out of who we have become as we have allowed the Lord to re-clothe us and cause us to move in harmony with the Holy Spirit. A beautiful Bride that has made herself ready for the return of The Lord.