
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Arise and Shine

There is a special work of the Lord taking place in His body. From among the saved of the church are those who have heard and responded with heart obedience to come up higher.  To be taken far beyond their salvation into a hidden place of preparation. It is first a place of dependence. As a bride we take upon us the name and nature of the Lord. As sons we cooperate with the Lord in a throne relationship of authority. The authority and the anointing is now moving from the pulpit out into the body. The man made structures will not contain or restrain this “new thing” that the Lord is doing. It is an end time authority that will find expression in our everyday lives. The Lord is dealing with that control that comes from the pulpit. Where everything is controlled and believers just become spectators.
The ministry, the burden and the anointing will begin to manifest itself on our job, at the mall, in the supermarket, in our neighborhoods, wherever the Lord has placed us.  Many in the pulpit have been disobedient and not prepared the saints for the work of the ministry and released them but have held them back. The word of the Lord to the saints in the seats is "arise and shine for thy light has come and the glory of the Lord is upon thee! (Isaiah 60) The Lord will cause you to stand tall in every area of your life. You will be witnesses. As you are faithful and obedient. The Lord will lead some of you to prepare your home for small group meetings. The Lord will greatly use these meetings to minister to His body. For true ministry is one on one. In most large meetings the needs of The Lord and of the body go unmet. The Lord is going to use us to minister......normal people. No special talents, charisma, education or personality. You and me…….no title at the end of our names….for if we had these things it would be obvious that we could do it, but the Lord is going to use that which is not to bring to naught that which is. This anointing, the enabling will fall upon and flow forth from the faithful and obedient that have no obvious talent or ability that the Glory may be of The Lord. As He is lifted up….all will be drawn to Him. There will be a present word that will flow forth and many will be awakened to the calling of God and brought into a place of preparation and maturity. The Lord doesn't see as man sees outwardly to natural ability. He looks upon the heart. If we each bring the 5 loaves and 2 fishes that we have, He will multiply them and feed many! Its not by might or power but by the Holy Spirit that it shall be done.

1Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.