
Monday, February 10, 2014

Many Mansions

In my Father’s house are many mansions (John 14:2), this speaks of levels of experience and relationship
with The Lord. As we are faithful and obedient we begin to partake of this in a greater measure.
We are changed from glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18) by the Spirit of The Lord. It does not say we
are changed from repentance to repentance. Most of our repentance is simply a greater
resolve to do more and try yet again in our own strength. I will say something that might sound
like heresy but “stop repenting” and simply come into the Lords presence before the throne
of Grace, accepting the Lords blood as “payment in full” for your sins. It is here in His presence
that we are truly changed. It is here that we creatively receive His life and the desires of
our heart become His desires…from glory to glory… As we in His presence expose our need
to His glory The creative power of an endless life touches us and we are changed.........
by the Holy Spirit who is a type of the crucified life. It is the singular purpose of The
Holy Spirit to reveal the Life of The Lord Jesus Christ in each one of us. When His kingdom
is established within us in an ever increasing measure we become aware of receiving the keys to new
realms of His Kingdom. Where The Spirit of The Lord is there is liberty and freedom from all that
keeps us bound in the natural realm. Its not a life changed but a life exchanged. Its no longer I that lives
but Christ that ever seeks to find expression in me. True repentance means to change your mind. Put
on the mind of Christ and bring every thought captive to that eternal reality. See yourself as the Lord sees you.
Our life is hid in Christ. There is perfect peace (Romans 14:17), because His life meets every demand as
we stand very still and see His salvation revealed. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed!