Friday, January 3, 2014
The Rock - a word for 2014
Mathew 21:44 "He who falls upon this stone will be severely hurt but he on whom it falls will be ground to powder".
Luke 20:18 "Everyone who falls upon that stone will be broken to pieces but he on whom it falls will be crushed".
God will not let you fall into the hands of people, for them to deal with you if you will fall into the hands of God. If you let God deal with you, He will keep people off your back. But if you won’t let God deal with you, then when God lifts His hand and lets people deal with you….it will be terrible. Because people can be terrible. The word says if we don’t fall on the rock the rock will fall on us. Everything in the life of a believer comes through God’s hands or by His permission. We can grow in The Lord at a wonderful pace as we are faithful and obedient and respond to His hand in our life. Because we are His and He is a jealous God their are times and areas of our life that His hand will lift and we will know the bitter dealings of man for a season, that we might willingly come to a true heart surrender and healing in that area. May we cast ourselves upon "The Rock" of our salvation.