
Monday, January 13, 2014

The Keys Please

“And he that overcomes, and keeps My works to the end, to him will I give power over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron….  Revelation 2:26-27
For us to be ready to function in kingdom authority in “that day” means that there must be a present ruling (overcoming) within our lives.  Unless we have first submitted ourselves to divine governmental rule over us, we will never be qualified to rule others.
When Israel entered the Promised Land, they were told to slay all of the inhabitants of that land.  The names of these nations can be related to “the works of the flesh.”  Thus, we also must first slay the “inhabitants” of our land (carnality), before we will be ready to partake of this promise - “we shall reign on the earth.”
These “inhabitants” that must be slain are very busy manifesting themselves within us as these “works of the flesh.” (Gal 5:19-21)  Thus, they must be utterly slain in order for us to become the “habitation of God” (priestly role), and begin to “rule all nations” (kingly role).
Within our spiritual life experience, there must be the dealings or workings of the Holy Spirit to produce the necessary quality of character that will make us ready to rule with the Lord, in “that day.”
The Lord must be able to trust us with the use of these “Keys of the Kingdom,” which can unlock and open the door that will lift us into a cooperative relationship with Jesus.  This will lead to the establishing of the Millennial Kingdom.