
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Our Everything

"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing" John 15:5-6

Jesus must be our everything! When He fills us with the Holy Spirit we are immersed in Him and now our mind must be renewed daily and our body must put on the immortality of God. Jesus not only wants our heart; He wants to saturate every part of our being with His presence so that He can be manifested in us. This is the high calling of God in Christ Jesus; His glory (likeness) will be manifesting through us!
God has already spoken our destiny into being through His word (Jesus), as we remain attached to the vine His word is revealed  to our heart and then we must walk it out in faith as we rest in His Spirit of Life to bring the fulfillment. We are the carriers of God’s word even as the Ark of the Covenant carried the word of God within it. But now Jesus the living word lives and abides in us, If we believe in Him and the word that He has spoken to us, we can trust that there will be a manifestation of all that He has promised. His word may not come to pass as we may think or even in our allotted time on earth. The majority of what is being formed in us is for the ages to come. His word will burn away all that is not of Him. Our trials are only working for our good so that we can give more of ourselves to God in the midst of the testing and proving that we go through. We must understand this and not withdraw but continue to present ourselves to Him each day. We are His workmanship!