
Friday, January 31, 2014

Give Us This Day

Our growth in the Lord is dependent upon impartation. Since we live in the Spirit
then let us walk in the Spirit, talk in the Spirit and think in the Spirit. There is a pattern
of moving into the things of God. It is a pattern of faith. We start by knowing who we
are. That new creation in Christ. “In Him we live and move and have our being
so that in us He might live and find expression. The path to a progressive revelation of
all that is provided by Our Lords life, death and resurrection is a heart union that we are
careful to seek and maintain each day. There is an impartation of Spirit and Life for
those who rise early to meet the Lord each morning. To begin each day by verbally
expressly in prayer detaching ourselves from the tree of knowledge of “good” and “evil”
and  joining ourselves to The Tree of Life. It is only this complete reliance upon
the Law of The Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus that will free us from the law of sin and death.
“Father, may we grow ever more dependent upon the Life of Your Son. May that
Life be released this day and quicken us spirit, soul and body in Jesus name I pray, Amen.