Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Our having Christ as our Lord includes He living within us. But "Christ indwelling" means even more than that, it
means being a container of Christ. And even more, a container not only containing Him, but being used at His
discretion to pour Himself out of, to others as He chooses.
This does not mean us doing the outpouring for Him but rather us allowing Him to. So we must set ourselves aside
not to serve Him per se, but to yield to Him. Yes, that is the name of the game now, yielding, ever yielding our wills
to Him, dynamically, sensitively cooperating with Him, flowing with Him, walking His yoke with Him. Not passively,
quite the contrary, but melding our will ever in Him.
How do we get to the state of His indwelling presence being fully acknowledged and expressed? It does not happen
automatically in a believer's life. It requires God's sovereign workings in our lives, but at every painful step, our soul
must choose to yield. That is the problem, our soul's grip or domination over the spirit must be broken!