
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

darkness pt 2

“Who is among you that fears the Lord, that obeys the voice of his servant, that walks in darkness, and hath no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God.” Isaiah 50:10

Who is among you fears the Lord?” The true fear of God restrains us from every form of evil. Proverbs makes that clear. “That obeys the voice of his servant.” In other words, who among you recognizes the sovereignty of the Lord and complies with the demands of that sovereignty in obedience to do His will. The prophet is talking about the person that fears God and obeys God. Here is no question of sin, and yet walks in darkness. Put those two thoughts together and judge the position. You see on the one hand a godly person; on the other hand this very same person still walks through darkness, notwithstanding his or her godliness. When that occurs, such a one is not asked to repent, to make restitution, to get right with God, but rather let him “trust in the name of the Lord.” That is to say let him trust in the character, the integrity of God. Now what God’s saint in darkness is asked to do is put their confidence in the integrity of Almighty God no matter what is happening that shouldn’t happen, or no matter what shouldn’t happen that does happen. Such a saint is not accused of wrongdoing, but is encouraged and admonished to put confidence in the absolute wisdom, integrity, and character of Almighty God. “stay upon his God” When you are in the middle of the storm and its pitch black….lean past your balance point…this creative reaction and complete reliance upon the Lord is the kind and quality of faith that is being formed in us.