
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Kingdom of Heaven

“The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”  Matthew 11:12

To enter The  kingdom of heaven we must be armed with the will to suffer. To catch a glimpse of
His kingdom we must be willing to destroy the idols that stand between us and this pearl of great price.  
This word of the kingdom cant occupy the same “heart space” as idols. It is as a fire and that will consume
and break down the idols without, in order to bear this testimony within. Everything must be placed on the altar.
Whatever strives to be equal with God must be broken down. If we walk in the light we know what an idol is.
Having spent time seeking The Lord we discern the things outside the Lord as idols. Wherever the Lord finds
this kind of intense hunger and desire (a wholehearted pressing after God and spiritual things) He releases faith
Faith grows and grace is poured out.  The spirit is liberated from the warped expression of the souls condition.
The flame of faith will burn bright. The Holy Spirit will then be poured out upon us. The filling of the Holy Spirit
is the result of standing on the right ground. This is the spirit of The Overcomer that presses into the kingdom
having set aside every weight. This is a breaking through by force into the kingdom realm.