
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Walking In The Spirit "Real Time"

In the Christian experience, in our walk with God, there are deep waters, sometimes dark clouds of circumstance. When times are good and the blessings are flowing we know God quite well but sometimes things happen that touch us at our very core. They may appear to negate many of His promises to us.
Then come the people… family, friends, coworkers, bystanders…who point their finger…”Something’s up”, they say, the misfortunes, which have occurred are in some way the hand of God working against you. The truth is that the hand of God is working in the lives of believers for a much higher purpose.
During situations like this are we able to look up to God? To affirm the power of God?  To acknowledge the sovereignty of God? To give credit to the glory of God without ever uttering one question or one complaint…questioning God? That takes an intimate knowledge of God.
It is shocking sometimes how things can strike us without any warning then at just the wrong moment you hear from others….through many misguided words and prayers… “So many of us are praying for you so hard. Why doesn’t the Lord?....why, why, why ?” As my faith is being tried that’s a question I don’t ask…the temptation is to somehow find fault with Gods dealings in our life.
When God brings our soul into a place of crisis that, in itself, is not evidence of divine displeasure but a revealing of the condition of our heart. God can tell a great deal by what we say under stress and the pressure of fiery trials. David said in the Psalms, “Thou hast known my soul in adversity.”
“Oh Lord, we believe for miracles…Let’s bind every evil spirit…Amen! Let’s have healings…Amen! That’s all part of the program but you know God has a place he wants to take us, not by eliminating these, but along with them, taking us onto a higher level where we will understand… where we will know His ways and be brought to a place that we might work in harmony with The Holy Spirit no matter what our eyes see.
The test is for us is to keep God on the throne of our hearts even though everyone else has misinterpreted His dealings. You know, God not only brings into our lives the sweet, but also the bitter? We like everything sugar coated, but the Lord brings the bitter into our lives and yet at that moment we can actually be in the center of the will of God. 
“All things work together for good to those who are the called according to his purpose,” but people stop there. If you read on, it says, “That we might be conformed unto the image of His son.” God’s ultimate objective for you and me is not for us to enter a period of uninterrupted blessing however religious that might sound.
God’s ultimate objective is that we might be found in the likeness of His Son. That’s what He’s after, ultimately. That is why God has to bring all sorts of tests and trials into our lives. Do you remember when Jesus had His disciples for a communion service? He said to them, “Drink ye all of it.” Now what did He mean? He meant, that you might willingly participate in the experiences, the sufferings that are involved in this cup, in this cup there is death…burial and resurrection life. If you drink this cup…”all of it “ your vision will be lifted above your circumstance above the natural realm to begin a walk in the Spirit. Only from this perspective can you start to see Gods eternal purposes so on “that day” you will be “found in Him”
 Many of Gods children never grow up and allow Him to bring them into maturity as real men and real woman of God. It is only when we present ourselves as “living sacrifices” and release the Lord to work as He chooses within the whole of our life circumstance that His life can be imparted to us.
Heaven will not be a place of mixture. It is only His Life that will pass out of time into eternity. Everything else will be consumed by fire.
When I become aware that I am facing a crisis I release from the depth of my spirit “God is good. God is present. God makes no mistakes. God is working. God is just, affirming the righteousness, the faithfulness of the character of God. Affirming the Sovereignty of God in the my life. ”
As we have made Him Lord we are under  His hand of divine providence. Whatever happens we have done that which is right in the sight of God so we can stand in the midst of misfortune and say, “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right.” “I know that my Redeemer liveth.” I don’t understand it; I cannot explain it; I do not know what it is all about. But one thing I know, Glory be to God in the Highest, for His Kingdom is established in my heart. This is The Day That The Lord Has Made And I Will Rejoice And Be Glad In It. I will give the glory to God in the midst of circumstances that defy explanation and solution, my soul is anchored in who God is, in spite of what comes into my life either through Gods hands or by His permission.