
Friday, October 25, 2013

True In Him

Jesus has triumphed in all things. He has triumphed over the Devil Completely. But
has He COMPLETELY triumphed over the areas... all the areas of my Life? Now that’s
another question. There is a practical unfolding of what is true “in Him”. Judicially,
He has triumphed. There is a process by which we experience that. In this process,
He wants to possess His Kingdom; the Kingdom is within you, it’s within me (Luke 17:21)
If you present yourself daily to The Lord as a living sacrifice(Rom 12:1) He will cause you to
experience what is true “in Him”….”in you”….The salvation of your soul is the sovereign
reign of The Lord within you. The Lord will break the shell(His trials and tests) that surrounds
your spirit so that He may be released into your soul. As He begins to take possession of that which
was lost then His Kingdom has come in this earth (me and you) as it is in heaven.
Its no longer I that lives...But Christ that lives in me...That is COMPLETE VICTORY (Gal 2:20