
Friday, October 11, 2013

Becoming A Bride

There are unending demands on our time, which keeps us earth bound, and unable to take the necessary time to “ascend” and receive of His life and strength.  These things need attention, but in the end, they will all be left behind, for they have no value in relation to eternal things

There is another word that is being quickened at this present time, “becoming a Bride,” which relates to our having a “higher” (deeper) walk with our Lord.  Our being a “Bride” speaks of a submissive relationship to the Lord.  This Bride is “within” the present-day Church, and is quietly being made ready for her unveiling.

As we confess our utter dependence upon the Heavenly Bridegroom (Jesus), and commit our lives to Him, we lose our identity and take on His identity, that in a submissive relationship to Him, we become the witness and expression of His life.