
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Be of Good Courage

“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.”  Psalm 27:14

It is here in His presence that we will begin to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom.  There will be a realignment of our inner being, and our priorities will change from the natural to the spiritual.  Our spiritual senses will be energized by His presence and restored to respond to His purposes.

As we wait upon the Lord, we will experience a genuine encounter with the Lord. Then wherever we go, the result of this “manifest presence” that we have experienced, will cut through every bondage and fear in those who are witnessing the result of our life being the expression of His life.

During these prolonged times spent in His presence, we are “sowing” to the Spirit – enlarging our capacity to flow with the Holy Spirit.  It is always costly to the natural man, but this provides us with the opportunity to overcome.