
Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Our Lord Jesus Christ has triumphed in all things. He has triumphed over the Devil. Completely. But

has He COMPLETELY triumphed over the areas, all the areas of my personality? Now that’s

another question. That’s another question. That is the practical unfolding of a JUDICIAL

TRUTH. Judicially, He has triumphed. EXPERIMENTALLY, He is in the process. In the

process, NOW, this is the process. A moving over, your NATURE, my NATURE, “My Kingdom,”

He said. He wants to possess His Kingdom; the Kingdom is within you, it’s within me.

But this Kingdom has been usurped, you see, by the powers of the enemy. And He’s bring

ing it back to it’s possession. JUDICIALLY, He has paid the price. EXPERIMENTALLY, He
is NOW, by the power of His Spirit, bringing the POSSESSION into REALIZATION.