Thursday, March 7, 2013
Our compass is Christ
Zion is the glorious Church, the corporate Overcomer called in
this Third Day to taste the release of His resurrection life. It’s still dark
out there. We do not have all the answers. Nonetheless, like the four
lepers of Samaria in the time of famine, like the apostle Peter in the
midst of the storm, and like Mary Magdalene on resurrection morning,
we are waking up with new faith. Our compass is Christ.
The gospel of the Kingdom has been watered down with incredible
mixture. The “sinners in Zion” (Isa. 33:14) have contaminated the
truth with strange teachings. Many are “at ease in Zion” (Amos 6:1),
fearing men’s faces more than the Lord. Politics, power struggles, and
personal agendas have compromised truth and integrity. There is no
lifestyle behind those lips. For many preachers, the Kingdom of God is
but another message, another level of biblical theology and semantics.
Someone must arise and declare the whole counsel of God. The
New Testament in Jesus’ better blood is Good News, not bad news.
Our Savior and King has reconciled us back to our Father, back to His
dream and original purpose for humankind. We have been forgiven.
Our sin has been removed.
Someone must boldly arise and fearlessly herald the full weight of
His glorious righteousness. Someone must awake with new courage!