
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Friend of Jesus

There is a difference between being a child of God and being a friend of God.
It’s possible to be saved without necessarily being a friend of the Lord according
to His definition or idea of friendship. I’ll give you a verse. Jesus said in
John 15:14 "You are my friends, if you do what I command you"
Now He had told them that their names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
They were saved, as we would call it today in New Testament language.
"Ye are my friends IF ye do whatsoever I command you." In other words, true friendship
with the Lord, as with the Father, involves the recognition of His sovereignty over our lives,
and our subjection to His sovereignty in obedience to do His will whatever the cost. Could you follow that?
It’s one thing to recognize His sovereignty. It’s another thing to subject ourselves to that sovereignty.
If we’re going to move into the true knowledge of God, into true friendship with God, one of the things 
that will be imperative is that we abdicate the throne of our lives, and turn the government of our lives 
over to Jesus Christ as Lord. The term LORD is not merely a title. It has a very far-reaching connotation. 
Jesus said, Luke 6:46 “Ye call me Lord, Lord, but ye do not the things that I say.”