
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Spirit walking

The more spiritual a child of God becomes the more he is conscious of the significance of walking according to
the spirit and the dangers of walking according to the flesh. But how is he actually to walk by the spirit? The
answer given in Romans 8 is to mind the spirit and to possess a spiritual mind: “they that are after the flesh mind
the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For the mind of the flesh is
death; but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace” (vv. 5-6 ASV). To walk after the spirit means to have the mind
set on the things of the spirit; it also means to have the spirit rule the mind. Those who act according to the
spirit are none other than those who are occupied with the things of the inner man and whose mind is therefore
spiritual. Walking by the spirit simply denotes that a mind under the control of the spirit sets itself on the things
of the spirit. This implies that our mentality has been renewed and has become spirit-controlled and thus qualified
to detect every movement and silence of the spirit.

Monday, November 26, 2012

In Him....All things

Do we understand that what God requires is not a lamb, nor is what He gives the bread of life. We also come to understand that God does not provide the way, the truth, and the life, neither does Christ merely use His power to restore man’s life or man’s sight. In the whole of John’s Gospel we see only one monumental fact, which is, that Christ is all these things. He says He is the light of the world—He does not say He is able to give people light. He says He is the bread of life—He does not say He will give us the bread of life. He says He is the way—He does not say He will guide us to walk in the way. He says He is the truth—He does not say He will teach us a truth. He says He is true life—He does not say He will give us a life. When Lazarus died Christ did not tell Mary and Martha He had the power to raise up their brother; instead He declared that He is the resurrection. I wish you to see that Paul later on says the same thing as did our Lord Jesus. He knows the Lord well and he unveils some marvelous facts. First of all, he says to Timothy, “Christ Jesus (who is) our hope.” I love to read this particular word. How about you? He does not say our hope is in Christ Jesus; he instead asserts that Christ Jesus is our hope. It is not a pinning our hope on Christ, expecting to be given hope by Him; rather is it Christ himself our hope. One of the most popular Scripture verses used in our preaching is 1 Corinthians 1.30 which states that “of (God) are ye in Christ Jesus, who became wisdom to us from God, both righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (literal). God has not given us righteousness, He gives Christ to us since Christ is our righteousness. God has not given us sanctification, He gives us Christ because Christ is our sanctification. God has not given us redemption, He gives us Christ because Christ is our redemption. God has not given us wisdom, He gives us Christ inasmuch as Christ is our wisdom. It is for this reason that we say God’s Christ is God’s everything. God’s Christ is God’s thing and affair; aside from Him God has neither thing nor affair.

Probably you will ask me, Why do you lay such stress on this point? Because here lies the difference between living Christianity and dead Christianity. The distance between these two ways is incalculable.

For in him were all things created, in the heavens and upon the earth, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been created through him and unto him; and he is before all things, and in him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it was the good pleasure of the Father that in him should all the fullness dwell; and through him to reconcile all things unto himself, having made peace through the blood of his cross: through him, I say, whether things upon the earth, or things in the heavens. (Col. 1.16-20)

Monday, November 19, 2012


The enemy of our “redemptive purpose and ministry calling” has been successful in our seeking to push into the future any effectiveness that we may presently have.  He attempts to convince us that we are not worthy of such - but maybe some time in the future we will be.  Thus, we say, “Someday I will have power and authority.”
Our placing an effective ministry into the future does not relate to the “manifold wisdom of God” that is to have a “present” outworking - “now.”  In His “eternal wisdom,” our Lord said, “…not many mighty, not many noble, are called, but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise….” (I Corinthians 1:26-27).
Because of our inabilities, weaknesses, and limitations, a greater “glory” will be given to the Lord – for it can be clearly seen by others that we are incapable of that which the Lord is enabling us to accomplish.

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.”  Acts 4:13

Many have noticed that the Lord is not moving in our country as He is in other nations.  This is because they have a greater tendency to believe in the supernatural and what the Lord has said, and then act on it in simple faith.  We know just enough to hinder our faith and ability to respond as the Lord desires.  The Word says:

For to whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required….”  Luke 12:48

We are to pray that the “eyes of our understanding” will be opened, so we might become both willing and available to the Lord in this, “the day of His power.”  The Lord is getting a body of “overcomers” ready for the outworking of His end-time purposes.

To do this, it is necessary that He move beyond the limitations of our limited faith and ability, through direct intervention.  Therefore, at this present time, there are those within the Church whom the Lord is moving upon to intercede and pray that He will be able to “break out” of these limiting hindrances that are within us, in order to move through us in intervention to accomplish His present day purposes.

May each of us look past our seeming limitations, and perceived reasons as to why we cannot be used by the Lord.  Then, as an over-comer, rise above these and in simple faith respond and say as Mary of old:

Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to Your word….  Luke 1:38

Now, we can ask in faith knowing we have fulfilled our part in creating an open heaven (by displacing the rulers and powers of darkness), through which the SON can brightly shine to produce upon and within us a spiritual “tan” - His manifested glory that will draw the nations to Him.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Friend of Jesus

There is a difference between being a child of God and being a friend of God.
It’s possible to be saved without necessarily being a friend of the Lord according
to His definition or idea of friendship. I’ll give you a verse. Jesus said in
John 15:14 "You are my friends, if you do what I command you"
Now He had told them that their names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
They were saved, as we would call it today in New Testament language.
"Ye are my friends IF ye do whatsoever I command you." In other words, true friendship
with the Lord, as with the Father, involves the recognition of His sovereignty over our lives,
and our subjection to His sovereignty in obedience to do His will whatever the cost. Could you follow that?
It’s one thing to recognize His sovereignty. It’s another thing to subject ourselves to that sovereignty.
If we’re going to move into the true knowledge of God, into true friendship with God, one of the things 
that will be imperative is that we abdicate the throne of our lives, and turn the government of our lives 
over to Jesus Christ as Lord. The term LORD is not merely a title. It has a very far-reaching connotation. 
Jesus said, Luke 6:46 “Ye call me Lord, Lord, but ye do not the things that I say.”

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Your Personal Prophesy

Walk in Your Personal Prophesy
1 Samuel 10:5-8
“... you shall come to the hill of God”
You have a meeting with God and receive your personal prophesy

“Where the Philistine garrison is”
The enemy tries to bring an opposite attack.
Divine resistance to strengthen us in that word.

“... you will meet a company of prophets”
You are introduced to the spirit of prophesy and the
world-wide prophetic movement

Coming down from the high places”
Anything in us of greater importance than your personal prophesy must come down,
and be replaced. God’s word must be highest thing in your life.

“With a stringed instrument, a tamborine, a flute and a
harp” A new spirit of worship. Worship less than 100% is not worship.
True worship is total abandonment.
“And they will be prophesying”
You will begin to prophesy. You go from receiving
prophecy to prophesying. What you receive you must give.

“Then the spirit of the Lord will come upon you”
You will see a release of demonstrations of the Spirit.

“And you will prophesy with them [the prophets]”
The mantle and spirit of prophesy calls us into the prophetic.
“And be turned into another man”
You become somebody new.

“And let it be”
Just let the prophetic word perform its own work.
Don’t try to force it to happen.

“... these signs come unto thee”
You will begin to see confirmation of your prophetic word by signs.

“That you do as the occasion demands”
When those confirming signs come, follow that leading
of the Lord. Then you will enter into an
occasion to do what that word says to do.

“For God is with you”
Then you will know that God is with you.

“Then you shall go down to Gilgal [place of
circumcision]” He will then complete your heart circumcision
to make you tender.

“And surely I will come down to you”
Once tenderized via heart circumcision, then God will
come down to you and begin to partner with you.
If you want Him to partner with you, then wait for Him.

“To offer burnt offerings”
Burn your flesh! Remaining dying to self.

“And make sacrifices of peace offerings”
Worship and servanthood. You will be
treated as a servant. Quit fighting with God.
Wholeness in your relationship with God.

“7 days” [perfect number]
You are cooked in God’s oven until perfectly done.
Burning of self, serving, worshiping, and cooperation
with God.

“Till I come to you”
Sooner you do, sooner 7 days will be over.
God’S waiting on you, not you on Him.

“And show you what you should do”You will be in full fulfillment of your prophetic word.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Every need is a call to prayer...

According to the knowledge you have received from God, you realize you should pray and petition Him for supply.
But at the time you see the need your spirit does not feel at all like praying. What should you do? You should pray
with your mind instead of waiting for your spirit to move. Every need is a call to prayer. Although at the start you
pray despite the silence in your spirit, as you pray on you will soon be conscious of something arising within you. It
signifies your spirit has joined in at last in this work of prayer... What we must do is pray with what the mind
remembers to be the truth we once received and in that prayer resist the power of darkness.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yes Lord, I will...

If the Christian patiently endures temporary discomforts and courageously exercises his volition to recapture
surrendered territory, he shall find himself progressively being freed. Little by little as the ground is refused to the enemy and restored to the believer the degree of penetration will correspondingly decrease.
The obedience of the Christian to God ought to be unconditional. Wherefore in the practice of obedience the believer goes through the following steps: (a) willingness to do God's will (John 7:17); (b) revelation of that will to his intuition by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:17); (c) strengthening by God to will His will (Phil. 2:13); and (d) strengthening by God to do His will (Phil. 2:13). Hence God first works in us to will and then works in us to work for His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13). During this struggle it is positively essential that the believer stand on Romans 6:11, acknowledging himself as one with the Lord: the Lord's death is his death. Such faith releases him from the authority of the evil spirits since they can have no power over the dead.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Gaining spiritual life is conditional on suffering loss. We cannot measure our lives in terms of "gain"; they must be
measured in terms of "loss." Our real capacity lies not in how much we retain but in how much has been poured
out... The power of love is attested by love's sacrifice. If our hearts are not separated from the love of the world, our
soul life has yet to go through the cross.